Retreat Schedule is Here!

Ok y’all – I’m sure something on the schedule will change or have to be rearranged, but here it is.

If you see any conflicts or something else that I missed, please let me know – I’m a newbie at this!

Also PLEASE make note of the following important info:

  • When you enter the park you should NOT pay entry fees.  Just tell the rangers your names and that you are with the Radiant Retreat and they will check you off of the list of attendees I provide.
  • Tell the rangers what day you will be leaving – the fees are per person, PER DAY so we don’t want to pay for extra days if anyone in your group is leaving early.
  • If you have a Texas State Parks Pass please use it because that will help reduce the total amount our group will have to pay.
  • Next proceed to the Group Dining Hall to check-in at the registration table and get your campsite assignment.  (It’s the building between the Men’s and Women’s Barracks buildings on the map.)
  • If you can, bring your bikes!  It will be a great way to get around to the different activities around camp AND we will be having bike races for the kids!
  • Dog owners:  You must have your dog on a leash no more than 6 feet, and you will be required to show the dog’s vaccine records or rabies tags. Dogs are not allowed in any of the buildings (including the screened shelters and bathrooms) at Cleburne State Park.  If you have questions about pet rules, please call the park.  817-645-4215
  • It’s not too late to buy Radiant Bucks and Raffle Tickets.  We have added Tamales and Homemade Lara Bars to the Juice and Smoothie Bar!
  • PLEASE read ALL your emails from us between now and the Retreat.  🙂  We will be posting more camping tips, suggested packing lists and other details you will need to know before you arrive.

It’s getting close – can’t wait to see everybody at camp!

(each day’s schedule is on a different “Tab” on the spread sheet – tabs are at the bottom of the window – or at the top if you’re on a smart phone.)

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