Muscle Testing for Healing & Clarity
It’s time for humans to reclaim our personal power.
The days of giving our power away to institutions and “experts” are over.
YOU have the ability to discern what is true or right FOR YOU.
Intuition is one tool for that, but we also have another, built-in biofeedback mechanism that we can access to confirm and verify what our intuition is nudging us toward.
Once we become confident in our own discernment abilities, we can move forward in life with FEWER DOUBTS. We can stand FIRM in our own power and create the lives we WANT to live AND the world we WANT to live in.
I want EVERY SINGLE HUMAN to know this power.
It’s why I do the work that I do.
It’s is why I have a policy of “no one turned away for financial reasons.”
People need to know about and learn how to USE this power!
Muscle Testing is a method of biofeedback.
Our bodies will be STRONG in the presence of things and ideas that are congruent or harmonious with our mind/body/spirit system.
Our bodies will be WEAK in the presence of things and ideas that are are incongruent or disharmonious with our mind/body/spirit system.
By using this “True/False” method of communicating with our bodies, we can uncover answers for ALL KINDS of healing AND for clarity as we navigate our daily lives.
Using Kinesiology has been a life changing (and sometimes earth shattering) experience for me. Always in a good way!
My first experience with Muscle Testing was in 2002 when the acupuncturist permanently healed my toddler’s allergies WITHOUT DRUGS!
I didn’t understand exactly how it worked, but I SAW the results. At that point I didn’t care HOW it worked, I was just SO glad to get my BABY off of daily prescription drugs and breathing treatments!
My next experiences with Kinesiology were during my own emotional and physical healing adventures. First in 2008 when I began to using Energy Psychology and later in 2011 with another “alternative” healthcare practitioner to heal my liver and gall bladder and avoid surgery. (I still have my gall bladder and I plan on keeping it FOREVER!)
Since 2008 my husband and I have used Muscle Testing to help us gain clarity on almost all MAJOR decisions and over the last few years we have come to use it on a daily basis. We muscle test to determine what limiting beliefs we need to clear during our spiritual/healing practice each morning. We muscle test for the right foods and supplements for ourselves and our children. And we even use muscle testing to help make decisions at work.
In 2015 I began a healing practice working with individuals using Energy Psychology. Although I SHOULDN’T be surprised after all these years, I am continually ASTOUNDED by the unexpected ways that Muscle Testing + Intuitive Guidance lead us STRAIGHT to the heart of the matter for profound release and healing. My clients use the words “miraculous” and “magical” on a regular basis to describe their experiences with this work. This is not something that only certain people can use and benefit from. We ALL can use this tool for greater clarity and healing.
I can’t imagine what life would be like without Muscle Testing.
And I HATE that so many people try to learn these techniques but then give up out of frustration or lack of confidence in the test results.
I have found that just learning the mechanics of the techniques is not enough for many of us, so I have created a Muscle Testing workshop that goes beyond the nuts and bolts and assists students in identifying and releasing the limiting beliefs they have about Kinesiology or about their own abilities to use this tool with confidence and accuracy.
Muscle testing takes practice, but everyone CAN learn how to use it to reduce guess work and doubt from daily life.
During this interactive, hands-on workshop you will learn:
☀️ Muscle testing basics for partner testing
☀️ Self testing options when a partner is not available
☀️ A surrogacy process so you can test things for loved ones
☀️ How to test for physical substances (food/supplements)
☀️ How to test for non-physical ideas (beliefs, goals, guidance)
☀️ We will also clear limiting beliefs you might have about muscle testing accurately or confidently.
If you have tried muscle testing in the past and it hasn’t worked, chances are you need to clear the subconscious beliefs blocking you from successful testing. Everyone CAN learn it, but sometimes it takes a little bit of investigation to discover and dissolve the unconscious blocks that sabbotage our accessing this information clearly.
If your intuition is nudging you toward this workshop,
I hope you’ll join us!
Click here for upcoming dates and registration info.