Reclaiming our Personal Power

It’s time for humans to reclaim our personal power.
The days of giving our power away to institutions and “experts” are over.
YOU have the ability to discern what is true or right FOR YOU.

Intuition is one tool for that, but we also have another, built-in biofeedback mechanism that we can access to confirm and verify what our intuition is nudging us toward.
Once we become confident in our own discernment abilities, we can move forward in life with FEWER DOUBTS. We can stand FIRM in our own power and create the lives we WANT to live AND the world we WANT to live in.

I want EVERY SINGLE HUMAN to know this power.
It’s why I do the work that I do.
It’s is why I have a policy of “no one turned away for financial reasons.”
People need to know about and learn how to USE this power!

Muscle Testing is a method of biofeedback.
Our bodies will be STRONG in the presence of things and ideas that are congruent or harmonious with our mind/body/spirit system.
Our bodies will be WEAK in the presence of things and ideas that are are incongruent or disharmonious with our mind/body/spirit system.

By using this “True/False” method of communicating with our bodies, we can uncover answers for ALL KINDS of healing AND for clarity as we navigate our daily lives.

Using Kinesiology has been a life changing (and sometimes earth shattering) experience for me. Always in a good way!

My first experience with Muscle Testing was in 2002 when the acupuncturist permanently healed my toddler’s allergies WITHOUT DRUGS!
I didn’t understand exactly how it worked, but I SAW the results.  At that point I didn’t care HOW it worked, I was just SO glad to get my BABY off of daily prescription drugs and breathing treatments!

My next experiences with Kinesiology were during my own emotional and physical healing adventures.  First in 2008 when I began to using Energy Psychology and later in 2011 with another “alternative” healthcare practitioner to heal my liver and gall bladder and avoid surgery. (I still have my gall bladder and I plan on keeping it FOREVER!)

Since 2008 my husband and I have used Muscle Testing to help us gain clarity on almost all MAJOR decisions and over the last few years we have come to use it on a daily basis. We muscle test to determine what limiting beliefs we need to clear during our spiritual/healing practice each morning. We muscle test for the right foods and supplements for ourselves and our children. And we even use muscle testing to help make decisions at work.

In 2015 I began a healing practice working with individuals using Energy Psychology. Although I SHOULDN’T be surprised after all these years, I am continually ASTOUNDED by the unexpected ways that Muscle Testing + Intuitive Guidance lead us STRAIGHT to the heart of the matter for profound release and healing.  My clients use the words “miraculous” and “magical” on a regular basis to describe their experiences with this work. This is not something that only certain people can use and benefit from. We ALL can use this tool for greater clarity and healing.

I can’t imagine what life would be like without Muscle Testing.

And I HATE that so many people try to learn these techniques but then give up out of frustration or lack of confidence in the test results.

I have found that just learning the mechanics of the techniques is not enough for many of us, so I have created a Muscle Testing workshop that goes beyond the nuts and bolts and assists students in identifying and releasing the limiting beliefs they have about Kinesiology or about their own abilities to use this tool with confidence and accuracy.

Muscle testing takes practice, but everyone CAN learn how to use it to reduce guess work and doubt from daily life.

During this interactive, hands-on workshop you will learn:
☀️ Muscle testing basics for partner testing
☀️ Self testing options when a partner is not available
☀️ A surrogacy process so you can test things for loved ones
☀️ How to test for physical substances (food/supplements)
☀️ How to test for non-physical ideas (beliefs, goals, guidance)

☀️ We will also clear limiting beliefs you might have about muscle testing accurately or confidently.

If you have tried muscle testing in the past and it hasn’t worked, chances are you need to clear the subconscious beliefs blocking you from successful testing. Everyone CAN learn it, but sometimes it takes a little bit of investigation to discover and dissolve the unconscious blocks that sabbotage our accessing this information clearly.

If your intuition is nudging you toward this workshop,
I hope you’ll join us!

Click here for upcoming dates and registration info.


Heaps of Love,


Virtual Gathering: Women’s Sacred Circle

Longing for a supportive community of women?
Want to stay on track with your intentions and manifesting?
Need an excuse to take some time for yourself and connect with your Inner Wisdom?

The Sacred Circle of Conscious Creation has you covered!

Twice a month we will gather VIRTUALLY, during each New Moon and Full Moon . . .
to celebrate this beautiful, messy life
to connect with others on a similar path
to set intentions
to heal and release
to share what’s working and what’s not
to encourage and lift each other up
and to center ourselves in our own creative power.



When women circle together, we magnify and multiply our individual power
to change our lives AND to change the world.

Join us from the comfort of your own home
during each New and Full Moon in 2017
to step-up your powers of Conscious Creation!

The Circle gatherings will be held on the
video conferencing platform.
Don’t have a webcam for the video part?
Simply call-in from any telephone!

Register TODAY so you will be ready to tune in
to our first Full Moon gathering on January 11th!
(click here for the New and Full Moon dates for 2017)

Joining the Sacred Circle of Conscious Creation
is an investment in yourself!

Make it official with a recurring monthly payment of $8.88

What’s the significance of $8.88?

In numerology the number 8 resonates with the influences and vibrations of personal power, self-confidence, inner-strength, material freedom, success, good judgement,, finances, abundance and prosperity of all kinds, investments, discrimination and discernment, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom, self-sufficiency, truth and integrity, compassion, achieving and achievements, decisiveness, efficiency, trustworthiness, insight, planning and the planner, sociability, rest and retreat, insight, spiritual consciousness, a desire for peace and a love of humanity and world transformation.


Tripling a number magnifies its energy and influence. I thought, “why not increase the influence of the number 8 in members’ bank accounts since it’s going to be reappearing monthly!”

Seeing recurring numbers can also be a synchronistic way for our guides and angels to communicate with us.  Here’s one interpretation of the message repeating 8’s bring.

If you feel pulled to join the Circle, I hope you will heed the call today!
Then open to receive the blessings that we will be co-creating
during each Sacred Circle gathering!

What to expect for our Circle gatherings?

Each time we Circle up, it will be a unique experience depending on the energy of the current Moon and the women present at the LIVE gathering. I will choose a different Conscious Creation theme for each gathering, but there will also be some elements of our gathering that will be the same each time:

I will open each circle with a cleansing and centering ritual followed by a poem, reading or other inspirational message to set the tone and theme.


We will do a “self-discovery” or “empowerment” exercise like a guided meditation, Level UP balances for shifting limiting beliefs or other awareness activities to enhance our powers of Conscious Creation.


We will allow time for sharing (if you choose to) and we will practice “listening without an agenda” and validating each woman’s words and experiences without judgement.

       “With the gift of listening comes the gift of healing.”
~ Catherine De Hueck Doherty

We will close the Circle with a celebration ritual to honor and rejoice in our own beauty, worthiness and creative power.



Circle members also will be added to our SECRET Facebook group where we will connect in-between our LIVE gatherings for support, inspiration and empowerment.

If you’re ready to embrace your own Divine Power and commit to nurturing it on a regular basis, I hope you will consider joining our Circle today as an act of courage and self-care!

click here to register

You are NOT alone and you DESERVE to take time out of your busy life to connect with your own Inner Wisdom AND be supported by the wisdom of other women who share a similar path!

I can’t wait to begin this work with you!

Please contact me if you have any questions and be sure to invite your friends who are ready to “up level” their powers of conscious creation!

Heaps of Love!
Christina Wester


What is PSYCH-K?FreeYourMindBird

It is a unique and direct way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old, unwanted habits of thought, self-talk and behavior. It uses muscle testing + simple processes that help you communicate with your subconscious mind and change beliefs that limit your ability to realize your full potential in life.

quotation02_reversed-minHow can PSYCH-K help me?

Your subconscious programming establishes the limits of what you can achieve. 

Affirmations and other self-deveolpment tools (including Psychotherapy) help effect change at the conscious level, but often they don’t TOTALLY change our previous patterns or release ALL of our wounds from past emotional or psychological trauma. To effect change in long held patterns of behavior and thought, we must change our subconscious programming which is held in the subconscious mind in the form of beliefs.

If you are experiencing limits in creating the life you desire, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious programming. This kind of conflict can show up in your relationships, self-esteem, career, prosperity, body image, physical health and more. PSYCH-K identifies and changes your limiting subconscious beliefs so they are more in alignment with your conscious goals, thereby releasing blocks to achieving those goals.

How does PSYCH-K work?

PSYCH-K is a unique process evolving from years of brain research and hundreds of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive, “Whole-Brain State” that dramatically reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. The PSYCH-K muscle testing and change processes (called “Balances”) work as a kind of ‘touch screen interface’ that enable us to communicate with the subconscious mind and re-write the subconscious programming that we’ve received throughout our lives from family, authority figures, institutions, the culture at large and direct life experience.

What is a PSYCH-K Balance?

A PSYCH-K Balance is a process designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the cerebral cortex. This “Whole-Brain State” is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new self-enhancing beliefs that support your goals rather than block them. The PSYCH-K facilitator uses muscle testing to determine the type of Balance your subconscious mind needs in order to access the old programming and change it. There are 7 different variations in the Balance processes.

To see an example of a Psych-K Balance, go to the 50 minute mark in this video:

How is PSYCH-K different from Hypnotherapy?
(This answer is from a Certified PSYCH-K Instructor who is also a Certified Hypnotherapist)

Hypnosis places authority in the therapist, while PSYCH-K gives equal or greater authority to the partner (client).

Hypnosis usually requires a trance state, while PSYCH-K works without such a state.

Hypnosis may have no spiritual foundation, depending on the therapist. PSYCH-K is always a spiritual process because it’s designed that way.

Hypnosis usually has no permission protocols; it’s assumed to be helpful. In PSYCH-K there are always spiritual permission protocols, i.e., contact with your Higher-Self via muscle testing, so we ensure that your belief changes are in your highest and best good, and are not well intentioned, but misguided goals, that can actually make things worse, rather than better.

In hypnosis the partner or client must disclose often painful or embarrassing personal information. In PSYCH-K, this information can remain private if the partner prefers.

PSYCH-K is more of a team process between partner and facilitator, more “do with” rather than “do to.”

At least three hypnotherapists also trained in PSYCH-K say that they typically get the same or better results in half the time (or less) using PSYCH-K instead of hypnotherapy.

What if there is not a PSYCH-K Facilitator near me?

Sessions can be done via phone, FaceTime or Skype.








FreeYourMindBirdPSYCH-K is a transformational tool that has enabled incredible  healing and growth in my life.  It has also transformed my husband’s life AND enhanced our marriage tremendously.  The “Radiant Life” we now enjoy is the direct result of our commitment to change and grow. PSYCH-K has been the MOST powerful tool we have found to effect the change we wanted to see in our lives AND to realize our fullest potential as humans.  (Read more about our personal journey with PSYCH-K here.)

I quotation01-minwant to share this tool with the Radiant Living Community because we are ALL on the path of growth and transformation together!  When we choose to follow a life path that diverges from the mainstream, we can’t help but grow and evolve.

That evolution process is often challenging and sometimes it can be painful.  It can take a LONG time to create new habits of thought and behavior to line up with the changes we are making in your lives.  Realizing our personal vision for the life we desire can take much longer than we intend, which can lead to frustration and all sorts of “negative” feelings and experiences.

PSYCH-K is the most effective tool I have found to speed up the process of change, as well as the most painless way to effect change in our lives.  It paves the way for our vision to become reality.  It helps us quickly release “baggage” and past trauma that is holding us back – and you don’t even HAVE to talk about the trauma or re-live it – just name it and the facilitator will follow the lead of the subconscious mind to unlock the “trauma program” and re-write it.

If you’d like to learn more about PSYCH-K and how you can use it to create the life of your dreams, follow one of the links below:




When we come into this physical existence, we already know ALL of the universal truths:

  • We KNOW that we are worthy of LOVE and JOY
  • We KNOW that the Universe is a SAFE place and it WILL PROVIDE everything that we need.

But as soon as we arrive on this physical plane, we start to get clear messages from those around us of the limiting beliefs that are so prevalent in the world:

  • WORRY that we won’t get what we need and that the Universe is a HOSTILE PLACE governed by chaos.

We buy into the belief that life HAS to be a struggle – that joy is something we MIGHT be worthy of (briefly) but only AFTER we struggle sufficiently.  That we aren’t inherently worthy of love and feeling good.  We learn that we have to work hard for the good stuff OR that sometimes even working hard isn’t enough and sometimes the chaos just gives us shitty stuff no matter how hard we work or try for the good stuff.

As we gain direct experience in life, these beliefs and messages get reinforced.  So after the initial “sponge” period of childhood (age 0-8ish) where our subconscious mind is programmed with all of the prevalent beliefs in our environment,  we begin to put these beliefs into practice in our lives.  We begin to “give out” these limiting ideas and beliefs with our thoughts, words and actions.  So what we “get back” from life is evidence that matches what we are giving out.

We get into a cycle of this and get stuck there in that “self-fulfilling prophecy.”  We often feel frozen there – knowing that we don’t like it* BUT not knowing how to break out of that cycle.

Eventually our life circumstances will get so unbearable that something “snaps” and we decide that we’ve had enough.  Or sometimes we hit “rock bottom,” or maybe our tolerance of the shitty stuff and shitty feelings just wears out.

THAT is the beginning of our remembering and we begin to remember the truth we were born knowing.

Sometimes it comes in one grand event but more often it comes in the smaller moments of “That’s it, I’m tired of this shit!  There’s got to be a better way.”

So we begin (or renew) our search for answers. We read books, talk to a therapist, go to a meet up, google stuff, read articles and blogs – and along the way we find nuggets of wisdom that jog our memory.  We receive messages that resonate with something deep in our hearts.  It might be something we can’t quite put our fingers on, but we just KNOW that there’s a message in it for us.  It just sounds true and it feels GOOD.  These nuggets shine a light to illuminate our path back to the truth.

So we keep searching and listening and watching for these clues.  They’re like bread crumbs along the path to help us find our way back home:
To help us remember what our True Self already knows.
To show us the way to a life of ease and joy.
A life free of fear and anxiety and worry and ALL of those unhelpful and unproductive things that feel awful.

Once we begin to find answers, that resonate with us, it’s like a light shining in the darkness.  We begin to feel better even if only for short periods.  That gives us hope and motivation to keep looking for ALL the answers we need to hear.  Eventually we hit on something that feels like THE THING we have been searching for.

Once we find THAT thing it’s like time speeds up and it feels like we’re flying!  Changes begin to happen more and more rapidly.  We begin to shift, and experience more and more of the joy and freedom we KNOW is possible, but never could have dreamed of just a short time ago.

Once this begins to happen we can look back on the time when we felt frozen in the pain, despair and unsupportive thought patterns, and it feels like that whole time was “just a moment” even though when we were in it it felt like it might never end.  It felt like we’d been frozen there forever and we might never escape.

Sometimes this process can feel like we are just taking a shot in the dark – even when we get confirmation that we’re on the “right path.”  But the nuggets of wisdom that bring us the good feelings propel us forward as we bring back the TRUTH to our awareness.  That feeling of “bringing it all back” into our conscious awareness is magical.

This path of awakening is not always linear, and often there WILL be bumps and obstacles and icky feelings along the way, but we CAN remember what we forgot.

No matter how lost we sometimes feel we ARE worth saving – even though it feels like a long shot – we CAN “have it all!”  WE DESERVE IT!

In the moments when you find an answer you’ve been seeking, or notice evidence in your life that things are shifting for you: CELEBRATE!  That helps solidify the remembering.  That helps strengthen the neural pathways in our brains for the “new” beliefs and thoughts that create and support the good stuff that we are wanting in our lives.


Celebrating EVERY good feeling and experience – no matter how “small” will magnify it and help you create more.

Don’t worry if it looks for feels silly!

Don’t worry if someone is watching!

You’re worth it!  More good stuff and more good feelings are TOTALLY worth the tiny moment of embarrassment.

Soon you won’t give a shit if people are watching!
All of the great stuff you are experiencing in your life will be the only thing that matters.

Heaps of Love to you ALL!


P.S. If reading this message has given you that “good feeling of remembering,” if it has resonated somewhere deep inside you – celebrate NOW!!!

Then SUBSCRIBE to read more messages like this one <3

  • EMAIL: enter your address at the top right of our HOMEPAGE
  • FACE BOOK: click “Like” and “Get Notifications” on the RADIANT LIVING page

To SHARE with friends who might need to hear this message at this time use the buttons below!

CELEBRATE with the song that inspired this message:

The Practice of Desire

Video-A-Day #2


So much gratitude for everyone participating in the Video-A-Day Challenge!
I have been so inspired by your courage to just get out there in one take or two – imperfections and all.  We are all PERFECTLY imperfect!!!

It’s never too late ~ join the fun and post your videos in the main Radiant Living Facebook group OR the Radiant Living with The Desire Map group.  Click on over to check out everyone else videos!RL Video-Day1250x720

Video-a-Day #1

Here’s my first Video-a-Day video!  RL Video-Day1250x720

I had just been talking with a friend about my upcoming Radiant Living with The Desire Map Workshop and wanted to share my excitement + a little sneak preview of exactly what we will be doing on May 16 & 17.

Press play and please leave feedback in the comments below!

Video-A-Day Challenge!

RL Video-Day1250x720I’ve been wanting to venture into making some Vlog posts for Radiant Living and for a long time I resisted.  Finally serendipity intervened and I DID make two videos (I’ll post links to those below) but as I tried to continue “Vloging” I hit a brick wall.

In order to overcome my resistance and fear, I decided to challenge myself to just make a little video about SOMETHING everyday.  And I want to invite YOU to join me!  Click PLAY!

Share your videos in the Radiant Living Facebook group!  Let’s support each other!

Here’s the “Opening the Box” video that Nina helped me do to get started . . .

And some of you saw my first attempts at video on Facebook.  I’ve edited those together for a little Vlog on Talking to Kids About Alcohol.

Creating Goals with Soul

How do you want to feel?

In your heart, your body, your career?
When you wake up in the morning,
when you speak your mind,
when you go after what you want?

FullOfYourselfCTWTHE DESIRE MAP is a program
(self-study, workshop or 1-on-1 coaching)
for clarifying what you truly want in every area of your life, and using that powerful awareness to guide your choices from now on.

You will leave this workshop knowing your “core desired feelings” – a guidance system for your decision-making. A GPS for your soul.

We’ll look at our perceptions around “feelings” and goal setting.
We’ll examine how we drive and strive, and see where in our lives we experience freedom — and where we want more of it.

You will be guided through 5 life areas, to explore your most desired feelings in:

  • Lifestyle + Livelihood
  • Creativity + Learning
  • Body + Wellness
  • Relationships + Society
  • Essence + Spirituality

We will create sacred space, inner and outer – an altar, backed by a great music playlist and tied together with shared intentions.

We’re going to burn limiting beliefs (figuratively and literally.)

We will offer up our own wisdom, relate, and learn from each other — like women (and some very cool dudes) always do.

You will make some soul-anchored declarations and attach them to some every day PLANS.

Poetic to the practical.


The Spring Workshop is limited to 15 spaces.

Join me and 14 other Souls to dig deep and launch a new chapter of creating (or stepping up) the RADIANT LIFE YOU DESIRE.

Radiant Living with the Desire Map – Spring 2015

A 2 day in person course for discovering your core desired feelings … and lighting up your life!

Date: May 16 & 17
Time: 10am – 6pm
Place: Garland, TX

Cost: $222
This includes:

  • 2 days of time and space dedicated solely to LOVING YOURSELF and investing in your RADIANT LIFE!
  • The schedule is packed with opportunities and exercises for self discovery, personal growth and releasing limiting beliefs.  There will also be plenty of time for connecting and supporting each other through fears, joys, tears and laughter.  And just visiting and having fun with fellow “seekers.”
  • A lovely catered luncheon both days
  • Wine, fruit and cheese “happy hour” both days
  • The Desire Map Workbook
  • A goody bag packed with gifts to pamper you now AND to support your continued journey after the workshop.
  • “Desire Pendant” you create yourself at the workshop. Jewelry designer Laura Akers will lead us through this process during our happy hour on Sunday!
Desire Pendants

click on the photo to learn more about the pendants – yours will reflect your unique “core desired feelings”

HURRY! Registration
ends May 10th.

and payment details
are HERE.


Not sure about the Workshop?

Join the Radiant Living with The Desire Map Facebook group to ask questions and hear more about others’ experiences with The Desire Map.

Self-Study more your style?
Get The Desire Map Book

Plan for aha’s and alleluias. After declaring their core desired feelings, people have been known to make changes.

You may quit stuff, launch something, stand up, shine brighter, ask for more.

You may feel the way you’ve always wanted to.

Heaps of Love,

Christina and the Radiant Team

My Core Desired Feelings:
~ Freedom ~ Joy ~ Connection ~ Flow ~

Radiant Living with The Desire Map Dallas Workshop

Radiant Living with The Desire Map